From the beginning
Hi there! Welcome, to anyone who might stumble upon this or have come here with intention.
I am just beginning my journey here, trying out something new, stepping into the unknown with some discomfort and excitement beside me. I was hoping to start a blog, something to keep track of my thoughts while also allowing me to share with others.
I have been writing for some time, always in a personal journal, and have found it to be one of the most authentic ways to express myself. As people would come into my life I would find myself reaching to my journal, hoping to show them some insight into who I am, where I came from, and how I have navigated this life. I met someone recently whom I went to do this with and they said the darndest thing to me, ‘I would read this like a book.’
That’s when I said hey thanks that’s pretty cool, I’ve always thought of publishing my journal in some way, to share my experiences and thoughts and explorations. And that’s brought me here, attempting
to merge my inner world and my outer words in a blog!
In my blog I hope to share personal discoveries and thoughts, rituals and routines, yoga practices, philosophical insights, and other things that come up along the way. I would love to cultivate a community where I can share and connect with others as well, and hope this can be a launching pad towards something like that.
With this being said, I think I’ll leave it in the hands of whatever higher power guides and supports me on this journey and leave this here with the deepest of gratitude and the lightest of love.
Thank you, come again soon.